
Sometimes I'm amazed to log onto Blogger after months of forgetting that I own a blog to find that some how, people are tripping across this thing. But I'm glad it is happening. Although the number of my readers is nowhere near where many blog owners would ever want their count to be, this place has served as a grounds of recording adventures, contemplation, and one ancient article about a Chromebook, back when "Chromebook" wasn't a word on just about anyone's radar (that article actually vastly outperforms my other articles in hits by well over a thousand.)

If I hadn't purged this blog of articles so many times, it would likely present a very unique, and somewhat embarrassing portrait of a young, Chicago born college student slowly beginning to discover himself, his interests, and his motivations. But alas, the best we might gather now is the progression from my first backpacking experience, to computer commentator, to devotional thought writer, to hitchhiker.

Regardless, today marks another "fresh start," minus the mass purge that my other revitalization projects had contained. It is my hope that this space will become a grounds in which attempts at being "a tech blog" or "an adventure blog" will be thrown to the wayside so that a more complete, holistic, human element might emerge. This author might type on his Chromebook that he first wrote about in 2012. He might be a young theologian going to Seminary. And he might be 2,000 miles away from his home and loved ones, indeed, a sojourner. In fact, he is all of those things. But no single one of those things can hope to create an adequate image of who he is. And I'm only now just beginning to realize the complex, multiplicity of the human spirit. It is my hope that as I sojourn through life, this space might not be a mere record of one's transformation, one's interests, one's daily habits, but that it might also become a place where I might learn a lesson from a stranger, encounter a thought I had not yet entertained, or simply encounter another soul who would confess with me "maybe I don't know what I'm doing. And maybe that's okay."

In the days, weeks, months, and perhaps even years to come, I hope to take on new challenges, not merely for the sake of challenging myself, but also for the sake of spreading information. My first personal challenge will be a challenge of will-power, but it will come (hopefully) paired with an ethic. In the near future, my goal is going to be to produce zero food waste for the entirety of a semester (perhaps longer). Of course, there will be some stipulations and guidelines, and my current state of poverty actually makes this fairly "doable," but we will cross that bridge as it comes.

If any internet stranger has made it this far, thanks for reading. I'm not sure how people stumble across this thing, but it intrigues me.



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